Patriot IT respects the confidentiality of all of its clients–therefore, our clients are never identified.
To protect client confidentiality, the following case study represents a compilation of projects that accurately demonstrate the capabilities and experience of Patriot IT.
Project Background and Objectives
Patriot IT was retained by a major software developer to relocate an entire floor of IT equipment cross-country to a new data center in a mid-Atlantic state.
Examples of assets relocated included:
The migration protocol outlined in the previous web page was followed as is our standard practice. As the engagement was for a client involved within the security industry — all team members were fully vetted and were quite familiar with the business aspects of the client.
After confirmation of the scope of work which went through several clarifications and iterations, a project plan was generated jointly with the client, and approval was obtained. It was then timely to fully brief the team on their collective and individual responsibilities. Furthermore, the team members were provided access to Patriot IT’s Standard Operating Procedures and recertified in their use.
Each of the activities diagrammed on the previous page was executed under the firm’s independent Quality Assurance Oversite. This ISO-9000 like paradigm has at its heart the Patriot Delivers system guiding and fully documenting each step in the process.
As noted above, documenting the work effort is a critical activity. The Patriot Delivers system automatically generates detailed and highly transparent reports. Reports are immediately made available to clients through the highly secure and password-protected Client Portal.