
Subject Verb Agreement Exercise for Class 5

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental concept in English grammar that is crucial for effective communication. It is the agreement between the subject and verb in a sentence, i.e., they should match in terms of number and person.

For instance, in a sentence such as “The girl (singular subject) walks (singular verb),” the verb “walks” agrees with the singular subject “girl.” Similarly, in a sentence like “The girls (plural subject) walk (plural verb),” the verb “walk” agrees with the plural subject “girls.”

As a class 5 student, it is essential to comprehend the concept of subject-verb agreement for writing and speaking flawlessly.

Here are some exercises to help you practice subject-verb agreement.

Exercise 1

Identify the correct verb form that should agree with the subject in each of the following sentences.

a) The boy _________ (play/plays) football every day.

b) The bus _________ (stops/stop) at this station every hour.

c) The dog and the cat _________ (fight/fights) every time they meet.

d) John and his friends _________ (is/are) going to the park tomorrow.

e) Neither the students nor the teacher _________ (was/were) happy about the new policy.

Exercise 2

Rewrite the following sentences with the correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Kevin and Denise goes to the library every day.

b) The shops in this street is closed on Sundays.

c) The boys in my class don`t like math.

d) The movie that I watched last night are really good.

e) The news was very good today.


Exercise 1

a) The boy plays football every day.

b) The bus stops at this station every hour.

c) The dog and the cat fight every time they meet.

d) John and his friends are going to the park tomorrow.

e) Neither the students nor the teacher was happy about the new policy.

Exercise 2

a) Kevin and Denise go to the library every day.

b) The shops in this street are closed on Sundays.

c) The boys in my class don`t like math.

d) The movie that I watched last night was really good.

e) The news was very good today.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial concept in the English language that helps to communicate effectively. Practicing exercises such as the ones above can help class 5 students improve their writing and speaking skills.

